Project Background
The following CARE Nigeria Program Strategy is complemented and informed by the COs EPP and the CPR process currently underway, along with the West Africa Region’s Impact Growth Strategy (Women on the Move).
This 3-year strategy is meant to guide the CO in its programming decisions across the humanitarian – development continuum (including early recovery, building resilience and peacebuilding). Gender integration and the empowerment of women and girls is a strategic focus of CARE Nigeria’s Program Strategy.
The Strategy will be reviewed annually and adjusted/2adapted as necessary based on sound contextual and underlying causes of poverty analysis. The CPR and subsequent Business Planning process in particular will be a critical reference for Strategy review and adaptation going forward.
Project Outcomes:
Ultimate Outcome: 1000 Lives saved, suffering alleviated and human dignity maintained through SRH and GBV interventions for crisis-affected women, men, boys and girls in Northeast Nigeria.
Intermediate Outcome 1 (SRHR): Increased and equitable use of gender-responsive assistance by crisis-affected people to meet basic SRH needs in Northeast Nigeria.
Intermediate Outcome 2 (GBV): Increased and equitable use of gender-responsive assistance by crisis-affected people to meet basic GBV needs in Northeast Nigeria.
Immediate Outcome 1 (SRHR): Increased access of women, men, boys, and girls to sexual and reproductive information and services in target areas of Northeast Nigeria.
Immediate Outcome 2 (GBV): Increased access of crisis affected population and survivors to GBV protection services in Northeast Nigeria.
Baseline Purpose:
A baseline assessment will be completed at the start of the project, with representative of the target communities considered as a suitable sample size; also included is interviews with stakeholders and key informant.
The aim is to measure the status of all indicators and to understand the starting point of key elements of the work against which later progress will be measured.
This will enable project indicators at output, outcome and impact levels to be measured and tracked.
This survey will therefore stand to inform key program strategies and is also vital to validating measurable indicators that lead to comparable results for the final evaluation.
Project Target Areas:
The project targets communities in the following locations: Dikwa and Bama local governments. A total of Total number of beneficiaries: 47,000 (17,500 men and 29,500 women)
Project Activities:
SRHR activities includes: Training of health personnel (particularly doctors and midwives) as the major factor responsible for either the unavailability/limited availability of these services. In addition, many actors engaged in the current response acknowledged there is still significant unmet need for SRH services. Less than 30% of health facilities in Borno have a functional referral mechanism to a higher level of care. Facilities that are functioning are short of skilled health-care workers (many are reluctant due to the volatile security situation), and lack safe water, basic drugs, and equipment. Significant shortages remain in Antenatal Care (ANC) and Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (BeMONC) supplies, equipment, and medication
GBV activities including: psychosocial support services, mental health evaluation for new arrivals, documentation of experiences of conflict related sexual violence (CRSV), and referrals for specialised services. Individualised GBV case management is required in women, girls, children and adolescent friendly environment for CSRV and other critical cases.
Project overall goal: Addressing Gender Based Violence & SRHR Challenges in Northeast Nigeria.
Rationale of Baseline survey:
CARE emphasizes result based project frameworks. Addressing GBV & SRHR Challenges in Northeast Nigeria project has clearly defined project outcome and outputs stated in the project log frame with indicators (Annex 1 – Project Log Frame). It is vital for the project that intended outcomes are achieved during the project period. Whether intended project results are achieved, is identified through a comparison between the initial stages of project with a final stage evaluation. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the beneficiary GBV & SRHR status against the planned targets and indicators throughout the project period and particularly at the end of the project.
In this scenario, to establish initial benchmarks (baseline) at the start of the project is crucial, acting as a reference milestone to measure project progress (outcomes and outputs). Further, the baseline survey will also generate information that will be important in this project related to GBV & SRHR.
Scope of Work
Purpose of this consultancy:
Develop the capacity of the team on data analysis and participate in the data analysis of the survey questionnaire.
Develop a baseline report which will establish benchmark against the project defined indicators related to project outcome, outputs and inputs. The established benchmarks (baseline) will be compared to results at the end of the project.
Capacity Building: Develop basic guidelines and train CARE project and field partner staff on how to apply questionnaires and consistently track progress against log frame indicators, and how to report on this.
Team Involvement:
The composition of the study team would comprise of the consultant/firm who can choose depending on their internal systems, ideas and logic, but team members must fulfil competency criteria as well as CARE’s MEAL team, project manager, sector lead and partners who will support the entire process.
CARE will take lead on the provision of trained enumerators and question development but will engage the services of the consultant on analysis of the survey entries and report writing.
The table below give the breakdown of location where the assessment survey was carried out.
Baseline Report Preparation and Submission: The consultant/firm will have to prepare a draft report and share with the CARE team within a week of raw data sharing. CARE will provide feedback on the draft report and after incorporating the recommendations, the report has to be finalized in a week for final submission. The report should provide a comprehensive analysis consisting of benchmarks, of all indicators set in the log frame and other crosscutting issues. The final report of the baseline survey should be submitted to CARE between 29th November to 2nd December.
The firm/individual consultant will be primarily responsible for:
Reviewing and giving recommendations on the baseline questionnaires that will be reused in midline and end-line survey processes;
Prepare a draft baseline report, sighting relevant values for the baseline and establishing end-line targets to share with the CARE project team, project staffs and collect their feedback;
Presentation of major findings (PowerPoint presentation) to CARE and collect feedback;
Prepare the final report incorporating feedback and suggestions.
Increase understanding on information collection and monitoring including household surveys, key informant interviews, conducting focus group discussions, data analysis and reporting, suitable sampling strategy and qualitative approaches.
Debrief/discuss with the project team about the effectiveness of the questionnaire, checklists and other tools used in the baseline survey. Collect feedback and finalize them;
Submission of the final report (a compiled version of the report – both hard copy and electronic version in word format);
Key Deliverables:
Draft and final baseline report:
Analyse the raw data and interpret and present findings from the field from the perspective of the project component/indicators for a comprehensive baseline report
The final report should be no more than 30 pages excluding annexes and consist of the following sections: cover page, executive summary (3 pages max), background, objectives, methodology and limitations, key findings, conclusion, recommendations
Annexes should include the baseline data collection tools.
Practical guidelines and capacity building of CARE project staff and field level partner staff on data collection tools and methods for the baseline.
The full data set from all data collected should be annexed to the final report.
Competency of Consultant:
The team Leader (TL) should possess extensive work experience and in depth knowledge of or have experience in GBV/protection and SRHR projects in particular, conducting similar assignments in both emergency and development contexts, with very strong analytical and report writing skills.
It is desirable that they have a post graduate in Law or social studies. Preference will be given to someone who possess past experience working with INGOs and conducting similar assessments/evaluations, particularly in an emergency/ conflict –affected settings.
Finally, the Consultant should be inclined towards knowledge and skills transfer by building the capacities of selected project staff on data analysis and reporting.
Submission of technical and financial proposition:
The potential and interested firms/consultants must submit technical and financial plans expressing their interest to analyse available project baseline data and prepare a comprehensive report. Interested applicant should submit both Technical
Organization Profile, including an organogram, experiences and CVs of key personnel for the team; e.g. Team Leader
Technical proposal.
Total budget:
Examples of previous and recent similar assignments carried out
Details of references.
CARE will hold prior discussions with interested consultants/firms to provide further clarification on the ToR in order to ensure quality proposals. Interested consultants/firms should contact CARE at the below provided contact e-mail to agree on the meeting date and time.
Evaluation Criteria
The firm/Consultant will be evaluated based on following criteria:
Previous work experience.
Methodological/technical aspects of carrying out the analysis and reporting; willingness and capacity to train project staff on data analysis (quantitative and qualitative)
Total budget (consultant fees, breakdown of activity costs, etc.)
Financial Limitation:
Total budget available for the assignment includes the entire total cost of consultant/firm agency to implement the above listed activities and deliverables. CARE will cover no extra expenses.
By submitting your Application for this position you agreed to CARE’s ZERO Tolerance to:
Sexual Harassment, Exploitation, Abuse and Child Abuse.
To Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send their Applications/Proposals indicating clearly in the subject line of the e-mail the position being applied for and the location (in Caps e.g. Consultant for SRHR and GBV Baseline Survey-Dikwa/Bama) to: