Demand Creation Workstream Consultant – Catholic Relief Services (CRS) – Abuja

Summary and Purpose of the Consultancy
The State Support Team (SST) structure was established to support states with the planning and
implementation of the LLIN distribution activities. The SST play a critical function for the initial mass distribution campaigns, a role focused on planning, facilitation, capacity-building, monitoring, data management and reporting during the replacement campaigns. The SST will support a broadened state structure for the replacement campaigns. Each SST is composed of work streams – technical, logistics and demand creation.
The purpose of this consultancy is to serve as a member of the state support team (SST) and provide state-level technical assistance and oversight on demand creation-related activities for the successful coordination of the 2019 long lasting insecticide treated nets (LLIN) replacement mass campaigns. S/he will provide training, accompaniment and technical support to the State Ministries of Health in one or more mass campaign states scheduled for 2019.
Objective of the Consultancy:
The overall objective of this consultancy is to support CRS in the implementation of the 2019 LLIN mass campaign distribution across 6 states by providing technical assistance and oversight on activities to State Malaria Elimination Programmes.

Main Tasks/Deliverables:
Support the adaptation and pre-testing of demand creation materials to align to state context.
Support state in the development of advocacy plan and drafting of advocacy letters
Support state in securing dates for advocacy visits and follow ups
Support state in activity planning and budgeting for post-campaign activities focused on LLIN hanging and use based on existing data and mapping of resources for behaviour change communication (BCC) in the state.
Support state with development of advocacy and media kits and engagement of media
Support identification of influencers and stakeholders for involvement in demand creation activities (e.g. state net ambassador).
Promote advocacy and engagement at all levels (community, ward, LGA, state).
Monitor airing of pre, during and post campaign radio jingles.
Participate in state and LGA flag off ceremonies.
Participate in media chats with journalists
Provide period demand creation update to the SST lead for inclusion in weekly campaign reports
Provide inputs in the state LLIN campaign report and debriefing presentation

Specific Deliverables:
Submit adapted demand creation materials within 2days from the end of each micro plan process.
Prepare detailed trip reports at the end of each trip to the campaign states which should include detailed follow-up steps to be submitted within 5days of return from the State.
Prepare detailed activity workplan and submit to your workstream advisor upon arrival in the state for microplanning or LLIN campaign.
Work with all SBCC/DC experts within the campaign
Review all messages/news developed by media journalist before sharing
Review all video and photographs developed by documentarist for the exercise before final production and submission
Submit detailed consultant report upon completion of activity (microplanning or implementation).
Schedule of Deliverables:
The work will be completed over a period of 16 days for microplanning and 60 days for LLIN campaign implementation per state campaign implementation schedule between June and December 2019.
Required Qualifications
The consultant should possess the following combination of skills and expertise:
Minimum of first Degree/HND in Mass Communication, Arts or Social Sciences.
Excellent leadership qualities.
Previous experience in LLIN mass distribution campaigns is an added advantage.
Knowledge of malaria and its prevention, diagnosis and treatment is required.
Previous experience working with National and/or State Ministry of Health.
Experience with a flexible approach to managing and prioritizing significant workloads and multiple tasks, in a fast-paced environment, with tight deadlines is required.
Training and supervision skills required.
Excellent technical writing and oral presentation skills are highly desired.
A proven ability to work as part of a team and independently.
Excellent experience in using Microsoft Office, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Ability to work under stressful conditions and to remain flexible and calm under pressure.
Experience of proactively identifying and addressing bottlenecks/issues desired.
Experience of establishing strong working relationships with team members and state personnel.
Experience and understanding of demand creation activities.
Previous experience in electronic data monitoring systems desired.
Management Arrangements and Follow-up:
The Global Fund Malaria project unit will provide overall supervision and management of the
consultancy. Focal contact person on this consultancy shall be the Senior Manager Vector Control.

Key Working Relationships/Organizations:
Internal: Logistics, Technical and Demand Creation work stream Advisors, Project Officer-Mass Campaign, Global Fund Malaria Program Team, Deputy Country Representative, Country Representative, Operations Manager, Finance, Procurement and Administration Staff, Regional and Senior Technical Advisors, Deputy Regional Directors for Program Quality and Management Quality.
External: State Ministries of Health (SMOH), National Malaria Elimination Program (NMEP) within the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH), technical and financial Partners, partner health facilities, Local Fund Agent (LFA), Global Fund Country Team, Chemonics, relevant Third-party logistics agents.
Time and Level of Effort:
This activity is expected to take place within a period of not more than 76 days per State Campaign implementation schedule, between March 2019 and December 31, 2019. The deliverables are expected to be timely and reports should be submitted no later than 7 days after the completed state campaigns.
Location of the Consultancy:
The consultancy will take place in any of the campaign states listed above.

Payment Schedule
A daily rate of N15,000 will be paid as consultancy fees. This will be paid upon completion of
specific deliverables listed above and submission detailed activity report, consultant report and timesheet reviewed by your workstream advisor, then mass campaign officer and duly signed by the Senior Manager Vector Control.
In addition, and if applicable, you will be entitled to DSA which comprises accommodation and meals (excluding any meal provided for), intracity transportation (when CRS vehicle is not provided) and communication allowance/credit in your device. CRS will be responsible for providing flight and/or road transportation as required for your work.
Please note that CRS will deduct and remit to the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) a 5%
withholding Tax from the total consultancy fees in accordance with the Nigerian Tax Law.
Application Closing Date
13th June, 2019.

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should send their “Expression of Interest (EOI)” along with a detailed Resume as a single attachment on MS word document to: using the job title and job code as the subject.

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