The Environmental Safeguards Adviser will ensure that sub-projects of the project are properly prepared and implemented in compliance with safeguard policies and other relevant social and environmental regulations and procedures. More specifically, the primary responsibility of the Environmental Safeguard Adviser will include:
Provide oversight on the compliance of social and environmental safeguards policies in project preparation and implementation
Providing recommendations and guidance on measures to enhance the effectiveness of the project implementation and achievement of the project development objectives through appropriately addressing the social and environmental issues of the project
Predict the likely negative impacts of social and environmental problems and recommend appropriate safeguard measures.
Develop and implement safeguard related plans
Monitor progress in development/implementation of the project’s safeguards instruments
Work with the SPCU and LPIU staff to ensure reporting, monitoring and evaluation fully address the safeguard issues of the project; providing a well-documented, evidence-based compliance reports to be incorporated into the project annual reports
Ensure that negative social and environmental impacts of the project are minimized and where possible promote positive social and environmental impacts particularly for marginalized and vulnerable groups
Ensure a strong pro-active Grievance Redress Mechanism and smooth relationship with communities
Organize environmental, social orientation, awareness, and training for relevant staff of SPCUs
Ensure that subprojects are screened as provided by the Project Environmental Social Management Framework (ESMF) and Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) process and procedures
Review Environmental and Social Impacts Assessments (ESIAs) and or Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) and other environmental and social safeguards documents prepared by consultants to ensure compliance with World Bank Safeguards Policies and Government’s environmental regulations
Support in the review of documentation pertaining to environmental and social compliance (including bidding documents, review on-site reports from contractors etc.)
Contribute to project progress reports pertaining to overall implementation of environmental and social requirements of the project
Coordinate with relevant Federal and States Governments for licenses and permits
Advise project implementation on environmental and social implications and other crosscutting issues;
Support development of social and environmental mitigation measures to incorporate social and environmental safeguards in all subprojects;
Monitor implementation of mitigation measures, prepare and submit safeguards reports to SPECU and FPCU;
Undertake other duties as directed by Project National Coordinator or as per the requirement of the project
A Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Sciences, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Studies or related discipline
At least 5- years of relevant experience in conducting Environmental and Social Impact Assessments, Resettlement Action Plans (ESIA, RAPss) and working knowledge of World Bank safeguards policies
Strong Interpersonal skills
Good communication skill in English (both written and oral)
Ability to work as part of a team
Knowledge of institutions systems for the environmental review and approval of development projects in the country
Knowledge/experience in gender equality and women’s empowerment will be an added advantage.
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