Objectives and Outputs
The overall goal of our work on Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (RMNCH) is to end preventable maternal, newborn and child deaths. One contribution to this is to achieve universal access to the integrated continuum of care for RMNCH services. This requires equitable progress which ensures access for the poor and excluded groups urgently.
Through this report, we aim to offer a conceptual approach that links RMNCH, health system strengthening and Universal Health Coverage. We will complement existing academic evidence with new analysis from Nigeria and will outline clear recommendations for policy makers on what is needed to make further progress.
Specific objectives are:
1. To conduct analysis on access to the RMNCH continuum of care and identify what factors are preventing or contributing towards this – including financial and non-financial barriers, systematic discrimination, etc – with a focus on inequalities and excluded groups. This will look at the health system policies which are affecting access, including funding, charging, distribution of health resources, and the balance between primary Health care and other levels. This will draw on research from Nigeria (see below for details), evidence from StC programmes, and complemented by existing literature.
2. To explore how RMNCH services can support and/or be the first priority within broader strategies on universal health coverage, by focusing on practical examples (drawing on states in the country , evidence from StC programmes, and wider examples from existing literature).
3. To increase pressure on governments, through targeted advocacy, media and campaigning around the launch of policy products, to pursue policies to expand access to comprehensive, free and universal health services for RMNCH as the first priority, within national strategies on universal health coverage. Strong links will also be made with the SDGs – in particular the focus on maternal and child health and UHC – and national implementation of the goals.
4. To present the case to global RMNCH advocates and actors within the UHC movement for RMNCH and primary care as the first priority in moving towards UHC. (This will draw on research showing the rationale in terms of rights, health outcomes, cost effectiveness, effects on the wider health system).
Expected Outputs:
We plan a number of interlinked policy products for this research for national and global audiences.
• National briefings (Nigeria) to be launched in December for UHC day[1], with clear policy recommendations calling on governments to pursue relevant policies to expand access to the RMNCH continuum of care, prioritising equity and excluded groups, as the first step for expansion of service coverage.
Expected Deliverables
• Research tools and methodologies for the study
• Final report based on the outline above
• 5 National briefings ( reference in Nigeria’s focus above)
• Power Point presentations to Save the Children in Abuja.
Person Specification
• A lead expert in the field of maternal, new-born and child health research in Nigeria.
• Demonstrate competency in maternal, new-born and child health programming.
• Must have a good understanding of RMNCH Policies in Nigeria.
• A minimum of 10 years’ experience in conducting qualitative and quantitative research in Nigeria.
• Minimum qualification required: MBBS, MPH, M.Comm or advanced degree in Health Economics.
• A good analytical, communication and report-writing skills.
All applicants should send a C.V., a list of reports or publications that are similar in nature, and a covering letter with a 500-word statement explaining their suitability for the task. In addition, candidates should send an electronic version of a relevant report written in English in which the candidate was a sole author.
Deadline for submissions is September 24th 2015.All communications relevant to this advert should be directed to: Nigeria.ProgramsVacancy@savethechildren.org
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